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L'actualité de Karma Online

12 articles

Karma Online : Prisoners of The Dead says 'get to da choppa' with new TrailerKarma Online : Prisoners of The Dead says 'get to da choppa' with new Trailer

2706 lectures

New Update Introduces New Gameplay Mode, Comeback Soldiers' Event, Clan Championship and Channel for Turkish Community
Joymax, a leading online game developer and publisher, announced that it will start the year 2012 with a major update for its first-person shooter World War II game, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead. Starting today, players can take part in a new A.I. Helicopter mode whereby a team of four players work together to take down a heavy-duty V5 Helicopter gunship. To learn more about the game,...

The hottest first person shooter refuses to chill out for the SeasonThe hottest first person shooter refuses to chill out for the Season

3373 lectures

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Joymax, a leading online game developer and publisher, announced today a slew of holiday events for their popular World War II game with a zombie twist, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead. Developed by Dragonfly, the creators behind Quake Wars Online and Soldier of Fortune Online, players will be given the chance to sign up for the brand new Clan Champions League, while enjoying a variety of...

Karma Online : Prisoners of The Dead levels up, unlocks new contentKarma Online : Prisoners of The Dead levels up, unlocks new content

3291 lectures

Joymax Unleashes Massive Update For Their Hot First Person Shooter
Joymax, a leading online game developer and publisher, revealed today the next major content patch for their popular World War II game with a zombie twist, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead. Developed by Dragonfly, the creators behind Quake Wars Online and Soldier of Fortune Online, these veterans of the gaming industry have pulled together a huge amount of additions for KARMA, which will...

Karma Online : Prisoners of The Dead to launch huge content patch for one-month anniversaryKarma Online : Prisoners of The Dead to launch huge content patch for one-month anniversary

3797 lectures

Joymax, a leading online game developer and publisher, announced that it will celebrate the one month anniversary of their first-person shooter World War II game, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead, with a bang! Starting October 18, players can visit the historical Cappadocia, armed with new weapons while playing new characters. To learn more about the game, players can visit its...

Joymax launches The Cash SHop for Zombie-Fuelled World War II Online FPS Karma Online : Prisoners of The DeadJoymax launches The Cash SHop for Zombie-Fuelled World War II Online FPS Karma Online : Prisoners of The Dead

3731 lectures

Latest Update Includes Cash Shop, Network Infrastructure Improvements and Full Localization into German, Spanish and Turkish
Joymax announced today that the Cash Shop for its first-person shooter World War II game, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead has now gone live and is available to its community of players. The first wave of cash shop items includes new weapons, equipment, abilities and bonuses. To learn more about the game, players can visit its...

Karma Online : Prisoners of the Dead shouts 'OMG!' gifts players free cash shop itemsKarma Online : Prisoners of the Dead shouts 'OMG!' gifts players free cash shop items

2350 lectures

Eight Short Days To Glee Over Coveted Guns, Equipment, and Boosts
Joymax announced today that in its first-person shooter World War II game, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead, players have the chance to win a slew of cash shop prizes – OMG! This is in addition to events which are already taking place fr-om now until September 20th. To learn more about the game, players can visit its...

Joymax and Karma Online : Prisoners of the Dead release new screens and kick off September with all-new eventsJoymax and Karma Online : Prisoners of the Dead release new screens and kick off September with all-new events

2875 lectures

Starting August 30th Through Mid-September Karma Online Players Can Participate In the Axis Vs. Allies War, A Clan Match Event And A Happy Hour Event; All With Great In-Game Prizes
Joymax, a leading online game developer and publisher, announced today that its first-person shooter World War II game, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead, has released new screenshots today and also announced all-new events to kick off the month of September. To learn more about the game, players can visit its official...

Joymax launches Karma Online : Prisoners of the Dead open betaJoymax launches Karma Online : Prisoners of the Dead open beta

3395 lectures

More Information Revealed On Two Characters, Gunther And Karl, Official Launch To Follow Shortly After Open Beta Wraps Up
Joymax announced that its upcoming World War II game, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead, has launched its open beta test which runs through Tuesday, August 16th. Additionally, Joymax has revealed information on two new characters, Gunther and Karl, who are now playable in the open beta. The launch of Karma Online will follow shortly after the open beta testing ends. To participate in the...

Karma Online : Prisoners of the Dead evolves through beta programKarma Online : Prisoners of the Dead evolves through beta program

2357 lectures

Joymax Outline Next Stages in Beta Program for European Gamers with launch on new European Data Centre
Joymax announced today the beta program behind its upcoming World War II game with a zombie twist, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead developed by Dragonfly, the creators behind Quake Wars Online and Soldier of Fortune Online. With much fanfare and bullets flying, the pre-open beta has now closed and Joymax are pleased to announce the details behind the next stage with the launch of the open...

Karma Online : Prisoners of the Dead begins its pre-open beta test next weekKarma Online : Prisoners of the Dead begins its pre-open beta test next week

2953 lectures

Pre-Open Beta Will Last Two Weeks For First-Person Shooter from the Creators of Quake Wars Online and Soldier of Fortune Online
Joymax announced today that its upcoming World War II game, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead, will begin its pre-open beta test next Tuesday, July 5th, and will run through Tuesday, July 19. To participate in the testing, or learn more about the game, players can visit its website. “For players who didn’t have a chance to...

Joymax reveals the characters behind Karma Online : Prisoners of the DeadJoymax reveals the characters behind Karma Online : Prisoners of the Dead

4496 lectures

Snipers and Intelligence Officers Go Up Against Rifleman And Assassins In The Ultimate Battle of Axis vs. Allies f-rom the Creators of Quake Wars Online and Soldier of
Joymax today unveiled the details behind the characters of its highly-anticipated Online FPS, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead. The game, which just completed it closed beta testing phase today won’t leave players waiting long for another chance to play as the Pre-Open Beta begins on July 5th. To sign up for the upcoming tests and learn more about the game, players can visit...

Karma Online : Prisoners of the Dead opens fire in zombie fuelled closed beta testKarma Online : Prisoners of the Dead opens fire in zombie fuelled closed beta test

3721 lectures

Prepare for a World War II Walking Dead Armageddon in the Closed Beta Test from the Creators of Quake Wars Online and Soldier of Fortune Online
Joymax announced that the closed beta for Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead, its highly anticipated PC online first-person shooter begins today and will run for two weeks until June 21st. Players wanting to jump right into the game can register, download the client and begin playing today by visiting the official website. Karma...
