Dead Rising 2
The Ninja Skills Pack is available today

Today sees the release of the final Skills Pack for Dead Rising 2 and owners of the game now have the opportunity to enter stealth mode as Chuck takes on Fortune City’s undead. Not only will Chuck be able to get closer to zombies before they detect his presence but is also harder to grab. The damage Ninja Chuck can inflict with sword-type weapons such as Katanas is increased thanks to new special attacks plus he can throw items items such as nails and plates with greater speed and do even more damage.
The Ninja Skills Pack is available today for 360 owners at 160MPs and from tomorrow on the European PlayStation Store for €1.99/£1.59.
Image de Dead Rising 2

Vidéo de Dead Rising 2
Informations complémentaires
Titre : Dead Rising 2
Editeur : Capcom
Studio : Capcom
Plateformes : PS3, Xbox 360, PC
Date de sortie : 2010-11-02