Virtual City
G5 Gifts Virtual City for iOS Devices to Facebook Fans

In celebration of the New Year and the upcoming Virtual City 2, G5 Entertainment today announced that through January 5th, all G5 Facebook fans will get the fantastic-looking, smartly-designed, engaging city-builder simulator – Virtual City for iPhone and iPad for FREE. Virtual City is a must-have for gamers who love city-building simulations. Developed and published by G5 Entertainment, the game already has a tremendous following with millions of players worldwide. The game has topped all major casual game charts and has received a number of awards from all top tier publications.
Virtual City allows players to construct their own city, developing it into anything from a suburban utopia to a bustling metropolis. To accomplish this, players must build houses, set up industrial buildings, create mass-transit systems and entertain their city's residents with parks, cinemas, stadiums and events. Players must also manage production chains to transport goods and services to the areas that require them and trade with neighboring cities. They must provide city services such as health care, public safety, waste collection and recycling in order to keep their city's residents happy and healthy. While progressing through the game, players must balance time, income, environmental factors, population and happiness in order to succeed, while dealing with various political and economic crises and natural disasters.
Key Features
- 50 Challenging Levels in 5 Settings: Colorado, California, Michigan, Montana, New York
- 18 Distinct Mission Scenarios
- Over 50 Types of Buildings
- 25 Types of Goods to Transport
- Trade and 7 Production Chains to Master
- 16 Special Achievements to Earn
- Tons of Upgrades and Buildings to Unlock
- Free Play Mode on 5 Large Sand Box Maps
Images de Virtual City

Vidéo de Virtual City
Informations complémentaires
Titre : Virtual City
Editeur : G5 Entertainment
Studio :
Plateformes : iPhone, iPodT, iPad, Web
Date de sortie : 2012-01-05
A propos
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For Immediate Release
Who: G5 Entertainment
The leading publisher of hi-quality, addictive adventure and strategy games for iOS, Android, Mac, Kindle Fire and PC.
What: G5 Celebrates its Fans with a Virtual City iOS Giveaway.
In celebration of the New Year and the upcoming Virtual City 2, G5 Entertainment today announced that through January 5th, all G5 Facebook fans will get the fantastic-looking, smartly-designed, engaging city-builder simulator – Virtual City for iPhone and iPad for FREE. Virtual City is a must-have for gamers who love city-building simulations. Developed and published by G5 Entertainment, the game already has a tremendous following with millions of players worldwide. The game has topped all major casual game charts and has received a number of awards from all top tier publications.
Virtual City allows players to construct their own city, developing it into anything from a suburban utopia to a bustling metropolis. To accomplish this, players must build houses, set up industrial buildings, create mass-transit systems and entertain their city's residents with parks, cinemas, stadiums and events. Players must also manage production chains to transport goods and services to the areas that require them and trade with neighboring cities. They must provide city services such as health care, public safety, waste collection and recycling in order to keep their city's residents happy and healthy. While progressing through the game, players must balance time, income, environmental factors, population and happiness in order to succeed, while dealing with various political and economic crises and natural disasters.
Key Features:
50 Challenging Levels in 5 Settings: Colorado, California, Michigan, Montana, New York
18 Distinct Mission Scenarios
Over 50 Types of Buildings
25 Types of Goods to Transport
Trade and 7 Production Chains to Master
16 Special Achievements to Earn
Tons of Upgrades and Buildings to Unlock
Free Play Mode on 5 Large Sand Box Maps
Game Center Support
Game trailers:
Virtual City for iPhone
Virtual City HD for iPad
When: Starting today, January 4, 2012, through January 5, 2012
iTunes Store:
Virtual City for iPhone
Virtual City HD for iPad
About G5 Entertainment AB
G5 Entertainment AB is a developer and publisher of high quality downloadable games for iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, Mac, and portable game consoles like Sony PSP and Nintendo DSi. G5 develops and publishes games that are family-friendly, easy to learn, and targeted at the widest audience of experienced and novice players. G5 owns a number of popular game franchises like Virtual City, Supermarket Mania, Stand O'Food, and Mahjong Artifacts, and invests in creating new games and bringing established franchises to new gaming platforms.