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L'actualité de Mytheon

3 articles

Renversez les Seigneurs de l'Olympe Renversez les Seigneurs de l'Olympe

3617 lectures

L'éditeur gamigo et l'entreprise américaine UTV True Games annoncent aujourd'hui le résultat de leur collaboration : le jeu d'action-stratégie Mytheon pour l'Europe. Petroglyph - à l'origine de Command & Conquer, l'une des séries de jeux de stratégie les plus réussies - est responsable du développement du jeu. Dans Mytheon, les joueurs seront plongés dans la mythologie grecque et se battront...

Mytheon To Go Dark For “earth Hour” This WeekendMytheon To Go Dark For “earth Hour” This Weekend

2966 lectures

True Games And Mytheon Support Global Conservation Efforts By Joining Millions In Earth Hour 2010 at 8:30 PM Saturday, March 27th
True Games Interactive, an international multi-player online game developer and publisher, along with award-winning developer, Petroglyph, today announced that its highly-anticipated online, multiplayer action/RPG with strategic game play, Mytheon, which is now in closed beta, will go dark for one hour this Saturday in honor...

The Mythologies And Bosses Of Mytheon RevealedThe Mythologies And Bosses Of Mytheon Revealed

5001 lectures

Players Will Embark On A Heroic Mythological Journey And Face Battle With The Larger-Than-Life God, Poseidon
True Games Interactive, an international multi-player online game developer and publisher, along with award-winning developer, Petroglyph, released details about the unique storyline and challenges in Mytheon, the highly-anticipated online, multiplayer action/RPG with strategic game play due this Spring...
