Lost Planet 2
More Lost Planet 2 maps coming soon
The intense multiplayer mayhem of Lost Planet 2 is getting even more explosive with two more maps coming next week. Map Pack #2 hits both PlayStation Store and Xbox LIVE on Wednesday June 2nd, featuring Dockyard Battle and Frozen Wasteland maps.
Dockyard Battle drops 16-player multiplayer matches into the factory of the overland battleship from Episode 4 of the game's campaign mode, while Frozen Wasteland brings back the snowy trenches and imposing tower of one of Lost Planet: Extreme Condition’s most popular maps.
With a total of fourteen maps available for Lost Planet 2 owners, there is a map for every style of play.
Map Pack #2 will be available for €4.99/£3.99 or 400 Microsoft points.
Images de Lost Planet 2
Informations complémentaires
Titre : Lost Planet 2
Editeur : Capcom
Studio : Capcom
Plateformes : PSN, XBLA
Date de sortie : 2010-06-02