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New Okamiden Screens, Art and Video Revealed the Week of New York Comic Con

DS [ Capcom ]

Capcom is happy to be bringing you more Okamiden assets this week as we head into New York Comic Con. Introducing Chibi’s newest partner, Kagu, the most popular child actor in the land, the new screens and artwork will show you how Chibi and Kagu interact as well as reveal new brush techniques and environments. New artwork showcasing the Celestial Deities who grant Chibi the brush technique of Inferno and Vine are also included. Kagu’s special skills will help Chibi get through the theater and restore colour to the land.

Images de Okamiden

Okamiden (image 1) Okamiden (image 2) Okamiden (image 3) Okamiden (image 4) Okamiden (image 5) Okamiden (image 6)

Vidéo de Okamiden

Informations complémentaires

Titre : Okamiden

Editeur : Capcom

Studio : Capcom

Plateformes : DS

Date de sortie : 2011-00-00

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