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Split / Second Velocity

Two Split/Second: Velocity Downloadable Content Packs Available This Week

PSN, XBLA [ Walt Disney France - Black Rock Studio ]

The Elite Vehicle Livery Pack and High Octane Super Car Pack Ready to Drive Onto the Tracks

Split / Second Velocity

Disney and Black Rock Studio announce that two downloadable content packs are available, August 31, on Xbox LIVE and September 1 on PlayStation Network.

The Elite Vehicle Livery Pack provides new liveries for the Elite vehicles of Brawn, Vixen and Raptor. This pack’s high-octane new liveries will really make these turbo-powered Elite vehicles stand out from the rest of the crowd like never before! This pack is free.

The “High Octane” Supercar Pack enhances your supercar selection with 3 new vehicles as well as a new livery for the upgraded Ryback Cyclone! These are some of the fastest supercars available giving you real speed on the track against your toughest opponents offline and online.

More downloadable content is scheduled for the upcoming months including more new cars and an entirely new track.

Images de Split / Second Velocity

Split / Second Velocity (image 1) Split / Second Velocity (image 2) Split / Second Velocity (image 3) Split / Second Velocity (image 4) Split / Second Velocity (image 5) Split / Second Velocity (image 6)

Informations complémentaires

Titre : Split / Second Velocity

Editeur : Walt Disney France

Studio : Black Rock Studio

Plateformes : PSN, XBLA

Date de sortie : 2010-08-31

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