Painkiller - Redemption
Patch 1.03a is available
PC [ JoWooD Entertainment - DreamCatcher Inc. ]

JoWood Entertainment announces new patch for Painkiller - Redemption.
"With the current update Painkiller - Redemption becomes even better because we’ve been working hard on stability and gameplay tweaks", says Reinhard Pollice, Producer JoWooD.
- Fixed some map design flaws and glitches such as slowly closing doors and points where you could “leave” the current level
- Fixed random crash on map loading with script error or no error caption
- Fixed 1st map glitch - player was unable to collect all items and destroy some items
- Fixed "multisampling" word in graphic options - now correctly named "multisampling"
- Fixed several smaller bugs and engine crashes
- Removed pillars in the endboss area
- Tweaked AI of endboss
- Shadow improvements on last map
Images de Painkiller - Redemption
Informations complémentaires
Titre Painkiller - Redemption
Editeur JoWooD Entertainment
Studio DreamCatcher Inc.
Plateformes PC
Date de sortie 2011-02-25
A propos
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JoWooD Entertainment AG is listed in the Standard Market Segment of the Vienna stock exchange. JoWooD is a publisher of computer and videogames, releasing international acclaimed, high-quality entertainment software for all existing and upcoming gaming systems. JoWooD Entertainment also offers distribution services for third party developers/publishers over its global distribution network. Visit our homepage for further information.